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  1. WINDUPRULE - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit rules

Develop a new set(s) of rules to support the Spring boot to Quarkus migration path


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • SB2Quarkus Rules
    • To Do
    • 8% To Do, 86% In Progress, 5% Done

      Being able to migrate Spring boot applications to Quarkus is a migration path that RHAMT must support.

      The RHAMT team is working closely with the Quarkus team to review the list of SB modules and try to map them to the Quarkus extensions.

      Some of the related documentation is listed below:

      The approach is to define a series of Jira Tasks linked to this Epic. One for each SpringBoot module. Some SB modules, have dedicated Quarkus Spring boot extensions, some can be mapped to more generic Quarkus extensions, others are simply unsupported.

      The first milestone will be to develop a set of rules that fire for the Springboot (source) to Quarkus (target) migration path and cover the DI, Integration and Metrics SB modules

            jvilalop@redhat.com Jonathan Vila Lopez (Inactive)
            pcattana Philip Cattanach
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
