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  1. WINDUPRULE - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit rules

Missing migration rules for clustering-related changes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 2.5.0.Final
    • 2.4.1
    • EAP6 -> EAP7

      Clustering was significantly reworked between EAP 6 and EAP 7. Besides internal revamp, there are some user-facing changes. We need Windup rules for those.

      Off the top of my head, we need rules for:

      • new API for HA singletons
      • jboss-web.xml changes
      • @Clustered annotation no longer required (this is actually somewhat tricky: previously, an EJB without the @Clustered annotation wasn't clustered in a clustered environment; this is still possible to achieve using @Stateful(passivationCapable=false), but I'm not sure how to suggest migration for this, because we don't know if the application is deployed in a clustered environment)

      There might be more.

      I know that Eduardo is [going to be] talking to Paul about this, so I'm only filing this for tracking purposes.

            emartins@redhat.com Eduardo Martins
            lthon@redhat.com Ladislav Thon
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
