I estimated first work to be needed around April, rather May.
At that time, we could have some SPI drafted and some input by the UX team.
So, JBDS work could start with some UI working against SPI mocks.
Imo, the UI won't be really complicated.
1) Something like Tubame has (part of that) for (what's currently
covered by) Windup, which basically only lists items found, and provides
some details for it. With the Eclipse QuickFixes added around the same
2) For server migration, it would wrap around JBDS's plugins for
WildFly, here we would need Rob Stryker's cooperation. Context menu on a
server -> Migrate to EAP 6 -> Choose the target instance. Then a dialog
with what's found, chance to customize things, ... -> Next -> Report.
3) For code migration, as we discussed:
3a) Forge-based generation of a new sample project with some
resources migrated. That would need another multi-screen dialog.
3b) Forge-based changes to an existing project. Probably through
some pane which would list migratable items.