• False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      * *Why we missed the bug?*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+

       * *What is required:*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+
      * *Why we missed the bug?*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+  * *What is required:*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+
    • No
    • ---
    • ---
    • AMM Sprint 244, AMM Sprint 246


      We will required another Z stream release of MTR at the end of November to provide CVE fixes, and include and new ruleset contributions

      The migration paths that I expect new rules for are

      Camel 4.0 to Camel 4.1

      EAP 7 to EAP 8 

      Java/Jakarata EE to Quarkus 

      All of the Jiras for inclusion in this release will all have the MTR-1.2.3 fixVersion

      This filter will list the all of the Jiras

      Looping in istein@redhat.com rhn-support-sshveta rhn-support-kpunwatk 

            rhn-support-anarnold A Arnold
            pcattana Philip Cattanach
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
