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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-3236

Possibility to force the analysis of known libraries


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Hide
      * *Why we missed the bug?*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+

       * *What is required:*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+
      * *Why we missed the bug?*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+  * *What is required:*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+
    • ---
    • ---
    • Sprint 213 AMM, Sprint 214 AMM, Sprint 215 AMM, Sprint 217 AMM
    • None

      As an user I want to be able to force the analysis of known libraries.

      There should be a switch that enables users to force this analysis: "analyzeKnownLibraries". It should be "false" by default, meaning that the default behavior should be to exclude these libraries from the analysis scope.

      Forcing the analysis of known libraries should include both known Open Source libraries and 3rd party libraries.

      The excludePackages options will always have preference over this option, so a user can force the analysis of known libraries and then exclude some packages that might not be that interesting for him/her.

        1. analyze-known-libraries.custom.windup.xml
          1 kB
          Juanma Leflet Estrada
        2. MTA WebUI Discover packages.png
          85 kB
          Philip Cattanach
        3. poi-custom.windup.xml
          1 kB
          Philip Cattanach
        4. Screenshot from 2022-03-08 13-17-45-1.png
          87 kB
          Shveta Sachdeva
        5. Screenshot from 2022-03-15 11-05-47.png
          166 kB
          Shveta Sachdeva

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rromanni@redhat.com Ramon Roman Nissen
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              4 Start watching this issue
