Uploaded image for project: 'WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit'
  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-3233

POM files inside a binary are not consistently analyzed


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 5.3.0.Final
    • 5.2.0.Final
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Hide
      * *Why we missed the bug?*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+

       * *What is required:*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+
      * *Why we missed the bug?*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+  * *What is required:*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+
    • ---
    • ---
    • Sprint 213 AMM, Sprint 214 AMM
    • CY22Q1
    • None

      POM files inside a binary are not taken into account when running an analysis, and "project" type of rules do not get triggered. This is not consistent with source mode analysis, since it reads and fires "project" rules if a binary happens to be in the target directory, which might be suggesting split logic.

        1. customers-tomcat-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
          35.04 MB
          Juanma Leflet Estrada
        2. log4JApplicationDetailsReport.png
          119 kB
          Philip Cattanach
        3. log4JCustomRulesExecution.png
          181 kB
          Philip Cattanach
        4. Log4JSpringWebTechTag.png
          157 kB
          Philip Cattanach
        5. log4shell.custom.windup.xml
          3 kB
          Juanma Leflet Estrada
        6. Screenshot from 2022-02-01 12-38-23.png
          199 kB
          Shveta Sachdeva
        7. Screenshot from 2022-02-01 12-38-30.png
          228 kB
          Shveta Sachdeva

              jleflete@redhat.com Juanma Leflet Estrada
              rromanni@redhat.com Ramon Roman Nissen
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
