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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-3214

Add description of OpenReview to the MTA CLI documentation


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      * *Why we missed the bug?*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+

       * *What is required:*
       ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.
       +_Additional comments:_+
      * *Why we missed the bug?*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+  * *What is required:*  ** Pick to proper answer from drop-down field upper.  +_Additional comments:_+
    • ---
    • ---

      mbrophy requested:

      Now the openrewrite cli feature has been implemented, pcattana  has asked me to provide details of its usage, to go in a new Appendix to the CLI guide, Headed A.5. Tech Preview Features with a subheading of A.5.1 Openrewrite integration:

      An openrewrite auto-migration can now be called as a tech preview from the mta-cli script using this format of command:

      ./mta-cli --openrewrite 
      "-DactiveRecipes=org.jboss.windup.JavaxToJakarta" --input 
      /path/to/source/project --goal dryRun

      Argument details:


      this is a flag specifying to run an openrewrite migration rather than an MTA analysis. The two cannot be run together simultaneously, it must be one or the other.


      This tells openrewrite which recipe to apply to the input project. JavaxtoJakarta is the default shipped recipe but a user can add their own to the shipped rewrite.yml and run that recipe instead if they so choose. The shipped rewrite.yml file is located in the rules/openrewrite/ folder in the unzipped MTA distribution.


       this is the path to the source project which the openrewrite migration is to be performed upon.


      this is the openrewrite maven goal to run. This argument is optional, if not supplied the script will run the dryRun goal which reports on the changes and creates a patch file which can be applied later. To apply the recipe changes immediately without this stage, the run goal can be supplied as this argument instead.

            richard.hoch Richard Hoch
            richard.hoch Richard Hoch
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