• Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 2.x Future
    • 2.0.0.Beta1
    • MTA Documentation
    • None


        Hello, I'm Ondřej Žižka and I'll show you how to build Windup from the source code
        and run it against your application, getting an HTML report in the end.
        First, visit Windup project on GitHub.
        Copy the Git URL.
        Then clone the repository.
      git clone git@github.com:windup/windup.git Windup
        This will take a while.
        For details about individual steps, visit Windup wiki and see the Build Windup from Source.
        Then, go to the freshly created project directory and build Windup using Maven 3.2.1 or later.
      cd windup
      mvn clean install -DskipTests
      cd -
        Meanwhile, download and unzip the Forge project:
      wget -O forge.zip https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/service/local/repositories/releases/content/org/jboss/forge/forge-distribution/2.10.1.Final/forge-distribution-2.10.1.Final-offline.zip
      unzip forge.zip
      mv forge-distribution-2.10.1.Final Forge
        Then make the Forge executables available from anywhere.
      export FORGE_HOME=./Forge/
      export PATH=$PATH:$FORGE_HOME/bin
      rm -rf ~/.forge/addons
        Now Forge is ready for the installation of Windup addons.
        Check if the Windup build has finished...
        We will need the UI addon, and 2 rules addons with Java related rules.
      forge -b --install org.jboss.windup:ui,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
      forge -b --install org.jboss.windup.rules.apps:rules-java,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
      forge -b --install org.jboss.windup.rules.apps:rules-java-ee,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
        After installation, run Forge.
        In the Forge environment, run the `windup-migrate-app` action. For information about the parameters, run
      man windup-migrate-app
        Notice the --input and --output parameters, which are mandatory.
      windup-migrate-app --input /home/ondra/work/Migration/TestApps/_apps/BradApp --output Report --sourceMode=true --packages org com net
        Give Windup few seconds, or minutes - depending on if you have an SSD disk or not.
        Then exit Forge by pressing Control-D.
      Ctrl + D
        Check the resulting report by opening the HTML file.
      firefox Report/reports/JEE_Example__org_windup_example_jee_example_1_0_0_.1.html
        For explanation of the report, see Windup wiki page called "Review the Report".
        Thanks for your attention.

            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
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