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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-1894

Can't delete project when an application was deleted


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      Cause: project analysis context contains included packages from an application which has been deleted from the project.
      Consequence: On attempting to delete project, referential integrity fails because the context still has objects associated with it.
      Fix: remove included and excluded packages from all contexts of the project prior to deleting the project itself.
      Cause: project analysis context contains included packages from an application which has been deleted from the project. Consequence: On attempting to delete project, referential integrity fails because the context still has objects associated with it. Fix: remove included and excluded packages from all contexts of the project prior to deleting the project itself.
      1. start windup-web
      2. create project
      3. upload 1..n apps, create an analysis config, hit save
      4. in the app list, delete an application
      5. go back to the project list
      6. try to delete the project
    • None

      When an application is deleted from the project it is then impossible to delete the project itself due to unmet db constraints.
      server.log is attached.

              mbrophy Mark Brophy
              jaeichle@redhat.com Janine Eichler
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
