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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-1784

Eclipse Plugin - AMM Training Exercise


    • Sprint 40
    • None

      On Day 4 of the AMM Training the attendees are asked to use the RHMAT tools to analyse an Application called 'Brownie'. The objective of the exercise is to convert it to EAP 7.

      The application can be accessed from git hub. The attendees are given the following instructions.

      git clone https://github.com/Maarc/brownie.git
      $ cd brownie
      $ mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse install

      One of the attendees Anton De Swardt (adesward@redhat.com) encountered problems when using JBDS. See the attached.

        1. run-configuration.png
          119 kB
        2. log.txt
          226 kB
        3. issue-explorer.png
          246 kB
        4. Eclipse Log Location.png
          Eclipse Log Location.png
          63 kB
        5. Eclipse Brownie Error2.png
          Eclipse Brownie Error2.png
          9 kB
        6. Eclipse Brownie Error1.png
          Eclipse Brownie Error1.png
          152 kB

              josteele John Steele
              adesward Anton de Swardt (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
