Uploaded image for project: 'WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit'
  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-1679

Allow source directory to be uploaded same way binary is


    • Sprint 36
    • None

      Currently a typical flow looks like this

      1) Create a new project
      2) Add applications - these can only be binary archives

      If you want to use sourcemode, you have
      a) Already have a project created
      b) Use the local server path which doesn't work for hosted (multi-team) instances for example

      The use case behind this is that users of RHAMT may have teams who are not necessarily hands on with the code wanting to upload the source for others to analyze the generated reports.

      A BONUS feature would be to allow a git repo be pulled down and analyzed by RHAMT - and a working branch be autocreated for those using the Eclipse Plugin can easily start working on changes for example

              jesse.sightler@amentra.com Jesse Sightler
              rhn-support-mus Mustafa Musaji
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
