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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-1572

Windup string instead of RHAMT in UI interface


    • Sprint 33
    • None

      I noticed incidentally that some UI messages still contain Windup string instead of RHAMT.

      The following output is from windup/windup repository:

       (master) find . -type f -name '*.java' -exec grep -e " \".*Windup.*\" " {} \; -print
              LOG.info("Loaded [" + list.size() + "] WindupFrame sub-types [" + NEWLINE + result.toString() + "]");
                                  String msg = "Windup was requested to stop before beforeRuleEvaluation() of " + rule.getId() + ", skipping further rules.";
                                      String msg = "Windup was requested to stop before beforeRuleOperationsPerformed() of " + rule.getId() + ", skipping further rules.";
                          final String msg = "Windup was requested to stop during execution of " + rule.getId() + ", skipping further rules.";
              return "If set, Windup will generate a report of 'Compatible Files'. Keep in mind " +
          public static final String DESCRIPTION = "This report shows all files that Windup could not parse in the expected format.\n" +
              LOG.info("Loaded [" + list.size() + "] WindupFrame sub-types [" + NEWLINE + result.toString() + "]");
                                  String msg = "Windup was requested to stop before beforeRuleEvaluation() of " + rule.getId() + ", skipping further rules.";
                                      String msg = "Windup was requested to stop before beforeRuleOperationsPerformed() of " + rule.getId() + ", skipping further rules.";
                          final String msg = "Windup was requested to stop during execution of " + rule.getId() + ", skipping further rules.";
              return "If set, Windup will generate a report of 'Compatible Files'. Keep in mind " +
          public static final String DESCRIPTION = "This report shows all files that Windup could not parse in the expected format.\n" +
              return "> JBoss Windup, version " + getRuntimeAPIVersion() + ". JBoss Forge, version "

              mnovotny@redhat.com Marek Novotny
              mnovotny@redhat.com Marek Novotny
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