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  1. WINDUP - Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit
  2. WINDUP-1088

Hint story points counted incorrectly in getEffortDetailsForProjectTraversal() with only_once traversal


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.6.0.Final
    • 2.5.0.CR3
    • None
    • None

      (02:03:58) ozizka-FN: jsightler_afk: Still around?

               Map<Integer, Integer> classificationEffortDetails =
                       classificationService.getMigrationEffortByPoints(projectModelTraversal, includeTags, excludeTags, recursive, false);
               Map<Integer, Integer> hintEffortDetails =
                       inlineHintService.getMigrationEffortByPoints(projectModelTraversal, includeTags, excludeTags, recursive, false);

      (02:04:57) ozizka-FN: This reuses the traversal. I didn't fully understand whether it causes some harm or not.
      (02:05:13) ozizka-FN: Does it re-set somehow automatically at the end of traversing or something?
      (02:07:42) ozizka-FN: Is the whole traversal kind of map/reduce?
      (02:07:52) ozizka-FN: With a single type
      (02:14:38) ozizka-FN: I think I got it
      (02:14:53) ozizka-FN: There's a bug
      (02:15:17) ozizka-FN: And the only_once is affected too.
      (02:15:26) ozizka-FN: The Set is reused for the 2nd call.
      (02:15:41) ozizka-FN: So the hint count will be wrong for only_once
      (02:15:55) ozizka-FN: I dare to create the jira.
      (02:16:23) ozizka-FN: With the risk that I am wrong

      Now the question is how to fix. I was thinking about adding a reset() method to the TraversalStrategy interface and ProjectModelTraversal class which would pass the call.
      And before each traversing, it would have to be called.

      Or maybe, it would be better to provide a visitor to the traversal, and let it do it's job (the code above) on each of the projects that pass, and collect the results.

      Shared apps story points spec: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nI3OrPA4CcpqJUXsM06K9-yZvppJOIkWGwPG0NOH3S8/edit#heading=h.6ljcwet62k1q

            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
            ozizka_jira Ondrej Zizka (Inactive)
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