Developer story
As a WMCO developer I would like continued coverage and testing of Windows Server 2019 nodes in pre-merge CI.
Once we add Windows Server 2022 support to AWS, there will be no platforms where we are testing Windows Server 2019 nodes. However we could potentially have customers who continue to use 2019 and we need ensure that we have e2e test coverage.
Engineering Details
Given we have two variants for Azure e2e tests, use one of them to test 2019 and the other to test 2022.
Acceptance Criteria
- azure-e2e-ccm-install tests Windows Server 2022 nodes
- azure-e2e-operator tests Windows Server 2019 nodes
- blocks
WINC-805 Add Support for Windows Server 2022 in AWS
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned on
(3 links to, 3 mentioned on)