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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-9971

wsprovide && wsconsume scritps don't work on Windows




      Description of the issue:
      Wsprovide and wsconsume scripts don't work on Windows. Scripts print jboss-modules help message with any attributes.

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. wsprovide.bat -h
      2. wsconsume.bat -h

      Actual results:

      C:\Users\Administrator\playground\wfly.12\wildfly\bin>wsprovide.bat -h
      Argument expected for option
      Usage: java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] <module-spec> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] -jar <jar-name> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] -cp <class-path> <class-name> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] -class <class-name> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar -addindex [-modify] <jar-name>
      where <module-spec> is a valid module specification string
      and options include:
          -help         Display this message
          -mp, -modulepath <search path of directories>
                        A list of directories, separated by ';', where modules may be located
                        If not specified, the value of the "module.path" system property is used
          -class        Specify that the final argument is a
                        class to load from the class path; not compatible with -jar
          -cp,-classpath <search path of archives or directories>
                        A search path for class files; implies -class
          -dep,-dependencies <module-spec>[,<module-spec>,...]
                        A list of module dependencies to add to the class path;
                        requires -class or -cp
          -deptree      Print the dependency tree of the given module instead of running it
          -debuglog     Enable debug mode output to System.out during bootstrap before any logging manager is installed
          -jar          Specify that the final argument is the name of a
                        JAR file to run as a module; not compatible with -class
          -jaxpmodule <module-spec>
                        The default JAXP implementation to use of the JDK
          -secmgr       Run with a security manager installed; not compatible with -secmgrmodule
          -secmgrmodule <module-spec>
                        Run with a security manager module; not compatible with -secmgr
          -addindex     Specify that the final argument is a
                        jar to create an index for
          -modify       Modify the indexes jar in-place
          -version      Print version and exit
      C:\Users\Administrator\playground\wfly.12\wildfly\bin>wsconsume.bat -h
      Argument expected for option
      Usage: java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] <module-spec> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] -jar <jar-name> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] -cp <class-path> <class-name> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar [-options...] -class <class-name> [args...]
             java [-jvmoptions...] -jar jboss-modules.jar -addindex [-modify] <jar-name>
      where <module-spec> is a valid module specification string
      and options include:
          -help         Display this message
          -mp, -modulepath <search path of directories>
                        A list of directories, separated by ';', where modules may be located
                        If not specified, the value of the "module.path" system property is used
          -class        Specify that the final argument is a
                        class to load from the class path; not compatible with -jar
          -cp,-classpath <search path of archives or directories>
                        A search path for class files; implies -class
          -dep,-dependencies <module-spec>[,<module-spec>,...]
                        A list of module dependencies to add to the class path;
                        requires -class or -cp
          -deptree      Print the dependency tree of the given module instead of running it
          -debuglog     Enable debug mode output to System.out during bootstrap before any logging manager is installed
          -jar          Specify that the final argument is the name of a
                        JAR file to run as a module; not compatible with -class
          -jaxpmodule <module-spec>
                        The default JAXP implementation to use of the JDK
          -secmgr       Run with a security manager installed; not compatible with -secmgrmodule
          -secmgrmodule <module-spec>
                        Run with a security manager module; not compatible with -secmgr
          -addindex     Specify that the final argument is a
                        jar to create an index for
          -modify       Modify the indexes jar in-place
          -version      Print version and exit

      Expected results:

      C:\Users\Administrator\playground\7.1.0.CR4\jboss-eap-7.1\bin>wsprovide.bat -h
      WSProvideTask generates portable JAX-WS artifacts for an endpoint implementation.
      usage: wsprovide.bat [options] <endpoint class name>
          -h, --help                  Show this help message
          -k, --keep                  Keep/Generate Java source
          -w, --wsdl                  Enable WSDL file generation
          -a, --address=<address>     The generated port soap:address in wsdl
          -c, --classpath=<path>      The classpath that contains the endpoint
          -o, --output=<directory>    The directory to put generated artifacts
          -r, --resource=<directory>  The directory to put resource artifacts
          -s, --source=<directory>    The directory to put Java source
          -e, --extension             Enable SOAP 1.2 binding extension
          -q, --quiet                 Be somewhat more quiet
          -t, --show-traces           Show full exception stack traces
          -v, --verbose               Show full exception stack traces
          -l, --load-provider         Load the provider and exit (debug utility)
      C:\Users\Administrator\playground\7.1.0.CR4\jboss-eap-7.1\bin>wsconsume.bat -h
      WSConsumeTask is a cmd line tool that generates portable JAX-WS artifacts from a WSDL file.
      usage: wsconsume.bat [options] <wsdl-url>
          -h, --help                  Show this help message
          -b, --binding=<file>        One or more JAX-WS or JAXB binding files
          -k, --keep                  Keep/Generate Java source
          -c  --catalog=<file>        Oasis XML Catalog file for entity resolution
          -j  --clientjar=<name>      Create a jar file of the generated artifacts for calling the webservice
          -p  --package=<name>        The target package for generated source
          -w  --wsdlLocation=<loc>    Value to use for @WebService.wsdlLocation
          -o, --output=<directory>    The directory to put generated artifacts
          -s, --source=<directory>    The directory to put Java source
          -t, --target=<2.1|2.2>      The JAX-WS specification target
          -q, --quiet                 Be somewhat more quiet
          -v, --verbose               Show full exception stack traces
          -l, --load-consumer         Load the consumer and exit (debug utility)
          -e, --extension             Enable SOAP 1.2 binding extension
          -a, --additionalHeaders     Enable processing of implicit SOAP headers
          -d  --encoding=<charset>    The charset encoding to use for generated sources
          -n, --nocompile             Do not compile generated sources

      Additional info:
      cc: asoldano, jbliznak@redhat.com




            jbliznak@redhat.com Jan Blizňák
            mkopecky@redhat.com Marek Kopecky
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

