Resolution: Done
User Experience
For http-listener, https-listener and mod-cluster filter in Undertow subsystem, there are some http2 related attributes:
"http2-header-table-size" => { "type" => INT, "description" => "The size of the header table used for HPACK compression, in bytes. This amount of memory will be allocated per connection for compression. Larger values use more memory but may give better compression.", "expressions-allowed" => true, "nillable" => true, "unit" => "BYTES", "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" }, "http2-initial-window-size" => { "type" => INT, "description" => "The flow control window size that controls how quickly the client can send data to the server", "expressions-allowed" => true, "nillable" => true, "unit" => "BYTES", "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" }, "http2-max-concurrent-streams" => { "type" => INT, "description" => "The maximum number of HTTP/2 streams that can be active at any time on a single connection", "expressions-allowed" => true, "nillable" => true, "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" }, "http2-max-frame-size" => { "type" => INT, "description" => "The max HTTP/2 frame size", "expressions-allowed" => true, "nillable" => true, "unit" => "BYTES", "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" }, "http2-max-header-list-size" => { "type" => INT, "description" => "The maximum size of request headers the server is prepared to accept", "expressions-allowed" => true, "nillable" => true, "unit" => "BYTES", "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" },
As unit of these attributes is used BYTES we should not allow user to input negative numbers there. Currently I can simply put negative number and server does not protest anyhow (I guess that server simply interpret given negative number as actual unsigned number of integer internally?). We should inform user that we expect only positive numbers for these attributes.
- clones
JBEAP-7061 attributes of BYTES unit should not allow negative values
- Closed