The code snippet shows that the method returns wrong type.
public String getSessionDefaultType() { if (type == JmsConnectionFactory.AGNOSTIC) return "agnostic"; else if (type == JmsConnectionFactory.QUEUE) return TOPIC_TYPE; else return QUEUE_TYPE; }
- is cloned by
JBEAP-6266 [GSS](7.1.0) generic-jms-ra's JmsMCFProperties.getSessionDefaultType returns incorrect value for session type
- Closed
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-6266 [GSS](7.1.0) generic-jms-ra's JmsMCFProperties.getSessionDefaultType returns incorrect value for session type
- Closed
WFLY-7227 Upgrade generic JMS RA to 1.0.8.Final
- Closed