Feature Request
Resolution: Done
show-resources operation of jaxrs subsystem must provide more informations about end-point. Information about parameters and returned value should be provided.
@GET @Path("entity/get") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Person post3(@QueryParam("boolean") @DefaultValue("false") boolean v) { Person per = new Person(); per.setName("per"); per.setFamily("son"); return per; }
Actual return value of /deployment=jaxrs-eap.war/subsystem=jaxrs:show-resources:
{ "resource-class" => "org.resteasy.simple.deployment.AdvancedService", "resource-path" => "/sample/entity/get", "resource-methods" => ["GET /jaxrs-eap/a/sample/entity/get - org.resteasy.simple.deployment.AdvancedService.post3(...)"] },
There should be information about "boolean v" parameter and about returned type (Person).
jax-rs subsystem should be able to collect some statistics about invocation of end-points (count of invocations, execution time, etc.)
Some statistics could be be activated and printed, only if end-point is also EJB bean, example:
NOTE: after discussion, the show-resources() operation is deprecated, the output should be integrated into read-resource() operation in a child resource