Resolution: Done
WebCERTTestsSecurityDomainSetup doesn't reload a server after security related configuration tearDown making EAP instance unavailable to subsequent tests in test.integration.web module.
remove the smoke module from smoke profile
[pkremens@dhcp-10-40-5-78 wildfly] (master *)$ git diff testsuite/integration/pom.xml diff --git a/testsuite/integration/pom.xml b/testsuite/integration/pom.xml index dec5530..55fcb8c 100644 --- a/testsuite/integration/pom.xml +++ b/testsuite/integration/pom.xml @@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ <activation><property><name>!ts.noSmoke</name></property></activation> <modules> <module>web</module> - <module>smoke</module> </modules> </profile>
The tests pass if run over servlet-dist (default jboss.dist for web module)
./integration-tests.sh -Djboss.dist=$(pwd)/servlet-dist/target/wildfly-servlet-10.1.0.Final-SNAPSHOT Tests run: 80, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 4
However fails if run over full distribution
./integration-tests.sh -Djboss.dist=$(pwd)/dist/target/wildfly-10.1.0.Final-SNAPSHOT Tests run: 57, Failures: 0, Errors: 28, Skipped: 4
We run the tests over server build delivered by productization during regular EAP testing cycles, that is how we run into this issue.
- clones
JBEAP-5376 WebCERTTestsSecurityDomainSetup prevents other TestCases to deploy arquillian service
- Verified
- relates to
WFCORE-1106 Better handling of subsequent changes once the server is placed into reload-required
- Resolved