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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-6611

undertow wrong log data emitted


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 10.1.0.Final
    • 10.0.0.Final
    • Web (Undertow)
    • None
    • Hide

      Use -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=42 to start WildFly.
      Observe what is really bound using netstat.exe
      Shutdown and see log message with wrong data.

      Use -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=42 to start WildFly. Observe what is really bound using netstat.exe Shutdown and see log message with wrong data.

      20:05:49,621 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYUT0003: Undertow 1.3.15.Final starting
      20:05:49,627 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool – 61) WFLYUT0003: Undertow 1.3.15.Final starting
      20:05:50,075 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYUT0006: Undertow HTTP listener default listening on
      20:06:10,498 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYUT0008: Undertow HTTP listener default suspending
      20:06:10,499 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYUT0007: Undertow HTTP listener default stopped, was bound to
      20:06:10,500 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-2) WFLYUT0004: Undertow 1.3.15.Final stopping

      This is running an arquallian managed instance.

      Notice on shutdown it emits port 8080 when there is nothing bound on that, it really is on port 8122 as shown in "netstat -p tcp -a -n | grep LISTEN" output.

      So I guess there is a bug somewhere in the data it is using.

      I am using -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=42 with a stock config for standalone-full.xml

            tomazcerar Tomaž Cerar (Inactive)
            darryl.miles@dlmc.co.uk Darryl Miles (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
