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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-5995

Initial calculation of the first expiration time for a scheduled timer is wrong if a start date is set


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 10.0.0.Final
    • 8.2.1.Final, 9.0.2.Final, 10.0.0.CR5
    • EJB

      If a scheduled timer should be created with the following parameters:
      ScheduleExpression[second=0 minute=0/5 hour=20-22 dayOfWeek=* dayOfMonth=* month=* year=* start=Thu Jan 14 09:45:35 GMT+1 2016]

      The first schedule should be
      Thu Jan 17 20:00:20 GMT+1 2016
      but is calculated as
      Sun Jan 17 20:45:35 GMT+1 2016

      The minutes are not correctly set according to the schedule and the given start date.

      This happen for seconds/minutes if the ScheduleExpression limit the range.

            rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
            rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
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            4 Start watching this issue
