Resolution: Unresolved
10.0.0.CR5, 14.0.0.Final
Wildfly 10's default load metric changed from busyness to cpu. Although otherwise fine, this change has a one major drawback: It doesn't work on Windows JDKs: MODCLUSTER-234. This fact has been known and acknowledged since 2011.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modcluster:2.0"> <mod-cluster-config advertise-socket="modcluster" connector="ajp"> <dynamic-load-provider> <load-metric type="cpu"/> </dynamic-load-provider> </mod-cluster-config> </subsystem>
Instead of a valid Load value, subsystem returns 0 and prints: MODCLUSTER000045: AverageSystemLoadMetric is not supported on this system and will be disabled.
C:\Users\Administrator>groovy https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Karm/be36292ae52ded419b46/raw/addd6abff5e0d63ed1ec9bee5f23e7106ea12cac/SystemLoadAverage.goovy
load: -1.0
avail. processors: 4
mbabacek@localhost:~$ groovy https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Karm/be36292ae52ded419b46/raw/addd6abff5e0d63ed1ec9bee5f23e7106ea12cac/SystemLoadAverage.goovy
load: 0.67
avail. processors: 4
Call to action
IMHO, this is a Major user experience failure, the default should provide meaningful values on all major platforms.
- clones
JBEAP-2506 Default mod_cluster load metric cpu (AverageSystemLoadMetric) is not supported on Windows
- Closed
- is related to
MODCLUSTER-234 AverageSystemLoadMetric in Tomcat 6 broken on Windows
- Closed