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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-4994

SPEC JMS 2007 benchmark fails due to performance drop with http-connector


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 10.0.0.Final
    • 10.0.0.Alpha5
    • JMS
    • None
    • Hide

      How to reproduce:

      • Download and unzip attached specjms2007.zip benchamark
      • set correct path to client libs in specjms2007/config/default.env
      • run ant clean jar in specjms2007/
      • start eap7 with one of attached configs
      • run ant describe jms-setup in specjms2007/
      • run ant startController in specjms2007/
      • run in second terminal ant -d startSatellite -Dcontroller.host= -Dnode.name= in specjms2007/
      • when benchmark finishes, check specjms-result.html in latest direcotry in specjms2007/output/ if test passes, big rectangle on top of web site should be completely green (no red)
      • if you want to change load edit org.spec.jms.horizontal.BASE in specjms2007/config/horizontal.properties
      How to reproduce: Download and unzip attached specjms2007.zip benchamark set correct path to client libs in specjms2007/config/default.env run ant clean jar in specjms2007/ start eap7 with one of attached configs run ant describe jms-setup in specjms2007/ run ant startController in specjms2007/ run in second terminal ant -d startSatellite -Dcontroller.host= -Dnode.name= in specjms2007/ when benchmark finishes, check specjms-result.html in latest direcotry in specjms2007/output/ if test passes, big rectangle on top of web site should be completely green (no red) if you want to change load edit org.spec.jms.horizontal.BASE in specjms2007/config/horizontal.properties

      Hi, we have huge performance drop in SPEC JMS 2007 benchmark when we use http-connectors. Netty connectors seems to be working fine.
      Currently we are having troubles even with very low load of 50 SMAgents

        1. standalone-full-ha-netty-bio-nio.xml
          62 kB
          Ondřej Kalman
        2. standalone-full-ha-netty-bio-nio.xml
          27 kB
          Ondřej Kalman
        3. standalone-full-ha-http-aio.xml
          62 kB
          Ondřej Kalman
        4. standalone-full-ha-http-aio.xml
          27 kB
          Ondřej Kalman

            flaviarnn Flavia Rainone
            okalman@redhat.com Ondřej Kalman (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
