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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-490 Domain Management Role Based Access Control
  3. WFLY-2572

OperationContext.readResourceFromRoot throws UnauthorizedException even when the user doesn't have 'address' perms


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 8.0.0.CR1
    • 8.0.0.Beta1
    • Management
    • None

      UnauthorizedException is used when the caller doesn't have read or write perms. When 'address' perms are missing, NoSuchResourceException should be thrown, same as if the resource didn't exist. OperationContext.readResourceFromRoot is not doing this.

      I haven't found any situations in the existing code where this is resulting in leakage of the existence of addresses, but a possible fix for WFLY-2444 shows it happening once the fix is in place.

            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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