Resolution: Done
To reproduce, remove portName or targetNameSpace attributes from org.jboss.narayana.compensations.functional.distributed.DistributedTest in the TXFramework suite. You will see that the test fails with:
"MustUnderstand headers: [{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-tx/wscoor/2006/06}CoordinationContext] are not understood"
The problem is that the Endpoint is not recognised, by the XTS subsytem, as having a valid @WebService annotation if these attributes are missing. In reality they are optional and an application should be allowed to leave them off. However, these attribute values are used by the XTS subsytem, so we would need to find a way of using the defaults if they are missing from the annotation.
- is blocked by
JBTM-1963 Automatically added TXBridge handler should be optional
- Closed