Resolution: Unresolved
We found a strange behavior of Wildfly 33 where it drop connection when `ServletInputStream` wrapped with `java.io.PushbackInputStream` (wrapped by Spring MVC) and request size > 16kB and process longer than 90 seconds.
The strange thing is it only reproducible when all the condition satisfy.
Steps to reproduce this issue:
- Use a Wildfly 33 build
- Deploy attached demo.war
- Access http://localhost:8080/demo/
- Click Start Sending for each test case, expecting all success but actually the last case fail
The JSP page is just wrapping the `ServletInputStream` with `java.io.PushbackInputStream` and read the request body by `inputStream.readNBytes(request.getContentLength())` (Simulate what Spring MVC does) and `Thread.sleep(...)` to simulate the actual processing time.
Also checked in Wildfly 34, still can be reproduced.