Resolution: Done
- Start a Wildfly server
- navigate to jaxrs-jwt QS folder
- apply configure-elytron.cli script
- Check the server output
After apply configure-elytron.cli script from jaxrs-jwt QS. The server log the following warning messages:
WFLYELY01090: Allowed jku values haven't been specified for token realm 'jwt-realm'. Token validation will fail if the token contains a 'jku' header parameter. The allowed jku values can be specified as a space separated string using the 'wildfly.elytron.jwt.allowed.jku.values.jwt-realm' system property. ELY01179: SSL not configured. jku claim will not be supported. ELY01182: Allowed jku values haven't been configured for the JWT validator. Token validation will fail if the token contains a 'jku' header parameter.
Please update the configuration to not log such messages if possible.
- is cloned by
JBEAP-28740 configure-elytron.cli CLI script in Jaxrs-Jwt QS logs a warning messages
- Ready for QA