Resolution: Done
Many tests started failing with Java Security Manager on Java 17+ after updating WF Core to 26.0.0.Beta3: https://ci.wildfly.org/buildConfiguration/WF_MainSecurityManagerJdk17?buildTypeTab=overview
I think the cause is the update of jboss-logging to version 3.6.0 where a fix for JBLOGGING-184 removes doPrivilidged around doGetMessageLogger.
- is caused by
JBLOGGING-184 Logger interface implementations inaccessible in module mode
- Resolved
WFCORE-6883 Upgrade to jboss-logging 3.6.0 / jboss-logging-tools 3.0.0
- Resolved
WFLY-19684 Upgrade WildFly Core to 26.0.0.Beta3
- Closed
- is incorporated by
WFLY-19733 Upgrade WildFly Core to 26.0.0.Beta4
- Closed
- is related to
JBLOGGING-190 Deprecated getBundle and getMessageLogger methods with throw a SecurityException if the security manager is enabled
- Resolved
- is triggering
WFCORE-6983 Upgrade JBoss Logging to 3.6.1.Final
- Resolved