Resolution: Done
When attempting to use a JSON field that I want to leave as free-form JSON rather than immediately converting to a POJO or I get a ClassNotFoundException in the Wildfly hibernate module while deploying.
I'm annotating my json field like this:
@Column(name = Column_JsonSchema, nullable = false, columnDefinition = "jsonb")
This is when I set the hibernate.type.json_format_mapper property to either jackson or jsonb as per https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/6.1/userguide/html_single/Hibernate_User_Guide.html#misc-options.
Deployment of my EAR fails in this scenario:
For hibernate.type.json_format_mapper=jackson:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException from [Module "org.hibernate" version 6.1.5.Final from local module loader @40238dd0 (finder: local module finder
@7776ab (roots: B:\wildfly\wildfly-27.0.1.Final\modules,B:\wildfly\wildfly-27.0.1.Final\modules\system\layers\base))]
For hibernate.type.json_format_mapper=jsonb:
- Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jakarta.json.bind.JsonbException from [Module "org.hibernate" version 6.1.5.Final from local module loader @40238dd0 (finder: local module finder @7776ab (roots: B:\wildfly\wildfly-27.0.1.Final\modules,B:\wildfly\wildfly-27.0.1.Final\modules\system\layers\base))]
- is cloned by
JBEAP-27250 (8.0.z) JPA/Hibernate: cannot write to a JSONB column
- Verified