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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-17071

NoClassDefFoundError: java/rmi/RemoteException


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      I have created simplest project where the issue can be reproduced: https://github.com/ethael/jakarta10test
      By default it is configured to use default container provider (Hibernate) and it works. When you uncomment <provider> tag in the persistence.xml, it will fail with the exception mentioned above.

      Our Wildfly 27 Beta1 with manually added eclipselink 4.0.0-RC2 is here: https://internal1.4q.sk/wildfly27.tar.zst

      I have created simplest project where the issue can be reproduced:  https://github.com/ethael/jakarta10test By default it is configured to use default container provider (Hibernate) and it works. When you uncomment  <provider>  tag in the persistence.xml, it will fail with the exception mentioned above. Our Wildfly 27 Beta1 with manually added eclipselink 4.0.0-RC2 is here: https://internal1.4q.sk/wildfly27.tar.zst
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      Hi there,

      We have a fully functional production J2EE8 applications deployed using Wildfly 26 and JDK 11. Wildfly is by default using Hibernate as a JPA implementation, but for various reasons, we need to use Eclipselink. Therefore we manually add eclipselink jar to wildfly modules directory and update module.xml to make wildfly see the jar. In persistence.xml we manually specify provider:
      This solutions works for us for years with no issues.

      Nowadays we are upgrading from J2EE8/JDK11/Wildfly26 to JakartaEE10/JDK17/Wildfly27. Therefore we also bumped the Eclipselink version to 4.0.0-RC2. The container fails to start because of:

      ClassNotFoundException: java.rmi.RemoteException from [Module "org.eclipse.persistence" from local module loader @479460a6 (finder: local module finder @7164ca4c (roots: /opt/wildfly27/modules,/opt/wildfly27/modules/system/layers/base))]

      Full stacktrace can be found here: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/eclipselink/files/9696528/output.txt output.txt


      Any help would be greatly appreciated.

        1. output.txt
          6 kB
          Marian Mizik

            smarlow1@redhat.com Scott Marlow
            marian.mizik@4q.sk Marian Mizik (Inactive)
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