Resolution: Done
As per https://in.relation.to/2022/05/25/hibernate-orm-602-final:
This release introduces a few minor improvements as well as bug fixes.
We have improved how the LazyAttributeLoadingInterceptor is dealing with lazy fields, this makes its processing a bit more efficient and saves a bit of memory as well (see HHH-15274).
Full list of changes in this version:
HHH-15297 Invalid Automatic-Module-Name org.hibernate.orm.community-dialects
HHH-15293 CockroachDB BYTES type does not have a length specification
HHH-15291 ClassCastException Regression in CriteriaBuilder
HHH-15286 Query with a Composite Identifier (@IdClass) throws an exception
HHH-15285 Calling getJavaType() of @ElementCollection with basic types returns wrong type
HHH-15283 NullPointerException from EntityManager.createNamedNativeQuery(…)
HHH-15279 NPE with Id on OneToOne referencing entity with multi-level EmbeddedId
HHH-15278 NPE when NULL is used in a query projection
HHH-15270 Inconsistent precedence of orm.xml implicit catalog over "default_catalog" in XML-mapped entities
HHH-15269 Update NativeQuery unable to use h-schema placeholder, just emits placeholder contents into SQL
HHH-15267 Some cache objects aren't implement Serializable interface
HHH-15266 NullPointerException on
HHH-15265 SchemaExport.execute does not add the configured schema to comments
HHH-15263 @NamedQuery is not supported with UPDATE statement
HHH-15260 Criteria query is unable to determine TableReference when combining subquery with join
HHH-15258 Orphan removal for OneToMany relations is broken when used with GenerationType.IDENTITY
HHH-15256 Query NPE when using ":param IS NULL" with a Left Join
HHH-15255 Fix org.hibernate.orm.test.batch.BatchTest
HHH-15153 @OneToOne does not support @EmbeddedId
HHH-15134 Update a bytecode enhanced Entity with a Version attribute causes OptimisticLockException
HHH-15010 @CreationTimestamp and @UpdateTimestamp documentation have an incomplete list of supported field types
HHH-15292 escape special html chars in JavaDoc
HHH-15259 Explicitly add JavaDoc to make @deprecated hint visible in Eclipse
HHH-15274 Small optimisation for how LazyAttributeLoadingInterceptor is dealing with lazy fields