Resolution: Done
Sprint 02, Sprint 03, Sprint 04, Sprint 05, Sprint 6
Integrate into WildFly Preview a native jakarta namespace variant of the openjdk-orb artifact the Galleon WildFly plugin is currently transforming when it builds the wildfly-preview feature pack or provisions a server using it.
Verbose logging of the current transformation reveals the artifact is being transformed solely due to a single class's use of JTA:
[INFO] Start processing [ com/sun/corba/se/impl/javax/rmi/CORBA/Util.class ] using [ CLASS ] [INFO] Class Reference: javax/transaction/TransactionRequiredException -> jakarta/transaction/TransactionRequiredException [INFO] Class Reference: javax/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException -> jakarta/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException [INFO] Class Reference: javax/transaction/InvalidTransactionException -> jakarta/transaction/InvalidTransactionException [INFO] UTF8: javax/transaction/TransactionRequiredException -> jakarta/transaction/TransactionRequiredException (resource) [INFO] UTF8: javax/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException -> jakarta/transaction/TransactionRolledbackException (resource) [INFO] UTF8: javax/transaction/InvalidTransactionException -> jakarta/transaction/InvalidTransactionException (resource) [INFO] Class size: com/sun/corba/se/impl/javax/rmi/CORBA/Util.class: 17464 -> 17624
Those calls are in the Util.mapSystemException method when it creates instances of the 3 classes noted above. I believe it would be simple enough to change that class to use reflection to create these instances, with Constructor object used to create the instances being based on the javax.transaction class or the jakarta.transaction class, depending on which is available.
- is incorporated by
WFLY-15436 Move WildFly Preview to a native jakarta namespace variant of all 'wildfly-ee' artifacts currently being transformed by Galleon
- Closed
WFLY-16127 Upgrade jboss-iiop-client to 1.0.2.Final
- Closed