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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-15070

MP Health property mp.health.default.readiness.empty.response is not respected


    • Hide
      1. Add an application containing @Readiness health check to the server and configure empty-readiness-checks-status to DOWN
      2. In a separate process repeat the calls to :9990/health/ready
      3. Start the server and check the calls process (Connection refused -> DOWN -> health check result)
      4. Restart server with -Dmp.health.disable-default-procedures=true and check the calls process (Connection refused -> UP -> health check result)
      Add an application containing @Readiness health check to the server and configure empty-readiness-checks-status to DOWN In a separate process repeat the calls to :9990/health/ready Start the server and check the calls process (Connection refused -> DOWN -> health check result) Restart server with -Dmp.health.disable-default-procedures=true and check the calls process (Connection refused -> UP -> health check result)
    • Undefined

      The MP Health spec uses mp.health.default.readiness.empty.response to define empty readiness response when the server is starting and the deployments are not yet processed so it won't respond up to /health/ready before the user readiness checks are processed. This is currently done through management model `empty-readiness-checks-status` attribute which adds and empty readiness health check with the correct status. However, when the user specifies also `mp.health.disable-default-procedures=true` this will remove the mentioned health check and the server responds UP before the user checks can be processed. 

            mstefank Martin Stefanko
            mstefank Martin Stefanko
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