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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-14563

As a developer, I can use a quickstart to showcase WildFly connecting to a DB on OpenShift




      As a developer, I can use a quickstart to showcase EAP connecting to a DB on OpenShift.

      I want to address the requirement of a fairly standard EAP application on OpenShift:

      • A backend that exposed a Web API (using JAX-RS) and connects to a DB (using JPA)

      We don't have a quickstart that meet that requirement at the moment. We have similar quickstarts but they all have shortcomings:

      • tasks-rs provides a similar JAX-RS + JPA backend but can not be deployed on OpenShift to connect to an external (hard-coded to use H2 DB)
      • User interactions is with cURL
      • kitchensink (and kitchensink-ml, kitchensink-jsp, kitchensink-ear, kitchensink-angularjs, spring-kitchensink-basic, spring-kitchensink-springmvctest) all mixes backend and frontend concern and are poor examples for a OpenShift deployment focusing on a backend
      • they also can not be deployed on OpenShift to connect to an external (hard-coded to use H2 DB)

      I propose a new quickstart for EAP 7.4 that showcase the proper and more recent use of EAP as a proper backend on OpenShift.

      The idea is to use a common use case (an app managing a list of TODOs) adapted to the cloud deployment.
      The quickstart will focus on providing an EAP application that provides the backend of the application.

      The frontend will be an external application based on https://todobackend.com.
      The quickstart will provide the REST API expected by this application and will store the TODO items in a PostgreSQL DB hosted on OpenShift.

      This quickstart will focus on OpenShift deployment and will provide developer insights for:

      • Developing a Java backend that exposes a REST API with JAX-RS and provides a JPA Model backed by a DB
      • Deploying this backed on OpenShift with Bootable Jar
      • Leverage Bootable Jar for local development (without cloud deployment)
      • Binding an EAP application to a DB on OpenShift
      • Expose an EAP application outside the OpenShift cluster
      • Support CORS filtering (so that a Web Frontend can access the REST API)

      This quickstart will be the example used by EAP7-1634 to illustrate how to deploy a EAP application on OpenShift with Helm Charts




            jmesnil1@redhat.com Jeff Mesnil
            jmesnil1@redhat.com Jeff Mesnil
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            1 Start watching this issue

