Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
in our company we would like to use the newest Wildfly together with legacy servers like JBoss AS 7 over SSL.
This is possible with the Uri scheme "remote+tls" provided by jboss-remoting
final RemoteConnectionProviderFactory remoteConnectionProviderFactory = new RemoteConnectionProviderFactory(); ... endpoint.addConnectionProvider("remote+tls", remoteConnectionProviderFactory, OptionMap.create(Options.SECURE, Boolean.TRUE));
But that uri scheme is not supported by the jboss-ejb-client in current version
public boolean supportsProtocol(final String uriScheme) { switch (uriScheme) { case "remote": case "remote+http": case "remote+https": // compatibility case "remoting": case "http-remoting": case "https-remoting": { return true; } default: { return false; } } }
and also the remote-outbound-connection does not allow that protocol:
public enum Protocol { REMOTE("remote"), REMOTE_HTTP("remote+http"), HTTP_REMOTING("http-remoting"), HTTPS_REMOTING("https-remoting"), REMOTE_HTTPS("remote+https");
- is cloned by
EJBCLIENT-388 remote+tls is not supported by EJBClient and remote-outbound-connection
- Resolved
WFCORE-5718 remote+tls is not supported by EJBClient and remote-outbound-connection
- Pull Request Sent
- links to