Resolution: Done
When method annotated with @Fallback and @Retry fails, MP FT fallback counter metric (fallback.calls.total) is incremented by 2. Meaning if the method fails N times (due to @Retry) fallback is invoked and the metric is 2.
The issue is only in the metric. Fallback method is invoked only once as expected.
CDI Bean:
@Fallback(fallbackMethod = "isReadyFallback") @Retry(maxRetries = MAX_RETRIES) public boolean isReady() throws IOException { service.simulateOpeningResources(); return ready.get(); } public boolean isReadyFallback() { return readyInMainenance.get(); } @Counted(name = "simulation-count", absolute = true, displayName = "Simulation Count", description = "Number of simulateOpeningResources invocations", reusable = true) public void simulateOpeningResources() throws IOException { if (inMaintanance.get()) { throw new IOException("In maintanance"); } }
Smallrye issue
- is incorporated by
WFLY-12988 Upgrade smallrye-fault-tolerance to 2.1.5
- Closed