Component Upgrade
Resolution: Obsolete
- incorporates
EJBCLIENT-347 EJBClientContexts create oubound channels that are never closed
- Resolved
EJBCLIENT-350 Invalid namespace for wildfly-client-ejb_3_2.xsd
- Resolved
EJBCLIENT-343 EJB invocation will not stay local if the application is deployed in a local serer and the Remote interface is used
- Resolved
EJBCLIENT-351 Enhance XNIO error logging for RemoteEJBReceiver
- Resolved
- is blocked by
WFCORE-4691 Upgrade XNIO to 3.7.5.Final
- Closed
- is incorporated by
WFLY-12785 Upgrade jboss-ejb-client to 4.0.27.Final
- Closed
(1 is incorporated by)