Resolution: Done
If we set an attribute 'scheme' of 'http' connector as 'https' [ scheme="https" ] and no SSL config, in 'web' subsystem, then migrate op fails:
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=web:migrate { "outcome" => "failed", "result" => {"[(\"extension\" => \"org.wildfly.extension.undertow\")]" => { "outcome" => "failed", "result" => [("undertow" => "4.0.0")], "rolled-back" => true }}, "failure-description" => "WFLYWEB0004: Could not migrate SSL connector as no SSL config is defined", "rolled-back" => true }
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Replace EAP 7.1 default standalone.xml configuration with the one attached
2. Start JBoss EAP 7.1 in mode admin-only
3. Start CLI and invoke web subsystem migrate op standalone.xml
- causes
CMTOOL-234 Migration fails during EAP 6.4 to EAP 7.1 with ERROR: org.jboss.migration.core.ServerMigrationFailureException: Subsystem config /subsystem=web migration failed.
- Closed
- is cloned by
JBEAP-16105 [GSS](7.2.z) WFLY-11584 - Legacy Web migrate op fails if a connector has scheme https and no SSL config
- Closed