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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-11165

Eliminate unessential module dependencies on the org.jboss.as.transactions module


      As part of our work on getting maximum benefit from Galleon, we want to eliminate unnecessary hard dependencies between Galleon packages, most of which are just provisioning wrappers around the FS content for our JBoss Modules modules. So that means cutting dependency links between modules.

      The org.jboss.as.transactions module necessarily has a large dependency tree, so if other modules depend on it, they then also have a large dependency tree, perhaps much larger than whatever they really need. So I want to eliminate such dependencies whereever possible.

      There are quite a few modules that depend on org.jboss.as.transactions solely for ServiceName constants for services that provide value types not from org.jboss.as.transactions, e.g. TransactionManager which is from the javax.transaction.api module. So the main (perhaps only) task here will be to eliminate those links.

            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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