Resolution: Duplicate
14.0.1.Final, 14.0.0.Final
Basically WildFly is unable to either build the persistence context or it fails to query postgres db.
The changes are so minimal that it should basically work.
- error.log - exception in the server log
- jpa-war.tar.gz - maven module that can be used to reproduce the issue
- pgsql.module.tar.gz - postgres driver module that can be unpacked under modules/system/layers/base/org/postgresql
- standalone-full.diff - diff that can be applied to standalone-full.xml to define required datasource
- Tested same steps with wildfly 13 and there its woking fine.
- Tested with latest postgres driver and issue exists with v14.0.0 (and v14.0.1). Postgres driver is thus ruled out.
- duplicates
WFLY-10974 NoClassDefFoundError when set-tx-query-timeout is enabled (followup to JBJCA-1378)
- Closed