Resolution: Duplicate
MP Health reports UP when there is port collision for port 8080.
I have simple python app to acquire port 8080 and once it runs I start WF server
import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer PORT = 8080 Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler) print "serving at port", PORT httpd.serve_forever()
WF reports Address already in use /, deployments are not deployed.
Accessing http://localhost:9990/health/ reports "outcome":"UP"
I think this is wrong and DOWN should be reported.
Spec is misleading because it says A producer without health check procedures installed MUST returns positive overall outcome (i.e. HTTP 200) but it silently assumes server started correctly.
I believe authors of the spec expected that if there is some trouble like port collision the server doesn't start, WildFly is a bit further as it allows to boot even if some services are not started properly.
- is duplicated by
WFLY-12342 Integrate server probes in MP Health readiness check
- Closed