Resolution: Done
When doing WFLY-19704 I got this CLI output:
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] :read-operation-description(name=upload-deployment-url) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "operation-name" => "upload-deployment-url", "description" => "Indicates that the deployment content available at the included URL should be added to the deployment content repository. Note that this operation does not indicate the content should be deployed into the runtime.", "request-properties" => {"url" => { "type" => STRING, "description" => "The URL at which the deployment content is available for upload to the domain's or standalone server's deployment content repository.. Note that the URL must be accessible from the target of the operation (i.e. the Domain Controller or standalone server).", "expressions-allowed" => false, "required" => true, "nillable" => true, "alternatives" => [ "input-stream-index", "hash", "bytes", "path", "relative-to", "empty" ], "min-length" => 1L, "max-length" => 2147483647L, "web-url" => true, "stability" => "default" }}, "reply-properties" => { "type" => BYTES, "description" => "The hash of managed deployment content that has been uploaded to the domain's or standalone server's deployment content repository.", "expressions-allowed" => false, "required" => true, "nillable" => true, "alternatives" => [ "input-stream-index", "bytes", "url", "path", "relative-to", "empty" ], "min-length" => 20L, "max-length" => 20L, "stability" => "default" }, "access-constraints" => {"application" => {"deployment" => {"type" => "core"}}}, "stability" => "default", "read-only" => false, "runtime-only" => true } }
The 'reply-properties' section is weird, particularly the 'alternatives' section. This happens because an AttributeDefinition for a request-property or resource attribute is re-used unchanged.
I expect we have this kind of problem in lots of places; it's pretty random that I noticed this one.
Calling 'setAlternatives(null)' on the builder of DeploymentAttributes.UPLOAD_HASH_REPLY will likely fix this.