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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-687

patches with duplicate element patch-id values should be rejected


      Patches that contain duplicate patch-id attribute values in 'element' elements in patch.xml can be applied but can't be rolled back. An attempt to rollback such a patch will result in an error "Content loader already registered for patch " + patchID, thrown from IdentityPatchContext.recordContentLoader(patchID, contentLoader).

      Current implementation should reject patches with duplicate element patch-id values (unless the value is 'base').
      Adding support for duplicate element patch-id values is a more difficult task at this point. If we decide to support it after all, it'll be implemented under a different issue.

              olubyans@redhat.com Alexey Loubyansky
              olubyans@redhat.com Alexey Loubyansky
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