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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-6834

wildfly-elytron-integration jar duplicated in server modules


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 25.0.0.Beta2
    • Security

      After JBEAP-26137, we now have those two modules in EAP that contain the same JAR:


      At the time of writing this, I am not aware of any functional issue, at very least, this is adding unnecessary 1.7MB to server size.

      But since those modules only contain this one JAR and both relate to Elytron, can we maybe somehow reference one to the other so that only one JAR file can be used?

            rhn-support-ivassile Ilia Vassilev
            rhn-support-ivassile Ilia Vassilev
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            3 Start watching this issue
