Resolution: Done
Modify description in request controller subsystem to proper sentence.
{ "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "description" => "The request controller subsystem. Used for request limiting and graceful shutdown", "capabilities" => [ Unknown macro: \{ "name" => "org.wildfly.request-controller", "dynamic" => false } ], "attributes" => { "active-requests" => Unknown macro: \{ "type" => INT, "description" => "The number of requests that are currently running in the server", "expressions-allowed" => false, "required" => false, "nillable" => true, "access-type" => "metric", "storage" => "runtime" } , "max-requests" => Unknown macro: \{ "type" => INT, "description" => "The maximum number of all types of requests that can be running in a server at a time. Once this limit is hit any new requests will be rejected.", "expressions-allowed" => true, "required" => false, "nillable" => true, "default" => -1, "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" } , "track-individual-endpoints" => Unknown macro: \{ "type" => BOOLEAN, "description" => "If this is true requests are tracked at an endpoint level, which will allow individual deployments to be suspended", "expressions-allowed" => true, "required" => false, "nillable" => true, "default" => false, "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" } }, "operations" => undefined, "notifications" => undefined, "children" => {} } }
- is duplicated by
WFLY-16757 Modify description in request controller subsystem to proper sentence.
- Resolved