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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-5009

Enhance JBoss CLI generic "command" with support for existing resource


      One of our strategic customers, requested an enhancement in the JBoss EAP CLI. Currently they are using in their scripts the Generic type Command (https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/GenericTypeCLICommands) to set the properties of a resource.

      Unfortunately that does not work in several cases. For example when they need to set attributes like the following:

      This can not be done with the command syntax:
      [standalone@ /] command add --node-type=/core-service=management/access --command-name=access
      Failed to validate input: operation response doesn't contain result info.

      It would be extremely helpful for us to have an improvement in the CLI that allows setting multiple attributes on resources referenced by 'command'.

            jdenise@redhat.com Jean Francois Denise
            jdenise@redhat.com Jean Francois Denise
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