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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-4291

Restore legacy (not "graceful") startup mode


      Please allow a configurable legacy startup mode which was the default before WF11, when components can service HTTP requests as soon as they are deployed, not when the container deploys all components.

      The use case for this is the following: there is a configuration service component upon which other components depend for configuration data, requested and served via a HTTP request. With the new "graceful startup" this scenario no longer seems possible, as it results in read timeouts, mis-configured artifacts, and failed deployments altogether.

      If generally feasible, another value of the --start-mode=legacy seems appropriate to accommodate the original (legacy) behavior.

            jaslee@redhat.com Jason Lee
            vladchuk Vladimir Grabarchuk (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
