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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-3826

anonymous authentication for ejbs using legacy configuration


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 5.0.0.Beta5
    • 5.0.0.Alpha7
    • Security
    • None

      Anonymous authentication for ejbs works on EAP 7.0.x using the following configuration:

      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:remoting:4.0">
      <http-connector name="http-remoting-connector" connector-ref="default" security-realm="ApplicationRealm">
      <property name="SASL_MECHANISMS" value="ANONYMOUS,PLAIN"/>
      <property name="SASL_POLICY_NOANONYMOUS" value="false"/>

      Unfortunately, this same configuration does not work on 7.1.1. It looks
      like the server still wants to use DIGEST-MD5 based authentication.

      Has the legacy based configuration (non-elytron) for anonymous ejb
      access changed on eap 7.1.1?

      I am attaching the standalone.xml, server.log and client log.

      Customer does not want to use elytron at the moment.

            jondruse@redhat.com Jiri Ondrusek
            jondruse@redhat.com Jiri Ondrusek
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