Resolution: Done
MBeanInfoFactory.getParameterInfos is trying to store a minValue and maxValue in the OpenMBeanParameterInfo it creates if the DMR description data includes a "min" or a "max". This is fine when numeric types are what is being stored, but with the jboss.as.expr domain what's being stored are Strings. And OpenMBeanParameterInfo is meant to do meaningful comparisons of values against any configured min and max. It does this via Comparable.compareTo calls on the provided objects. That doesn't work with String, e.g. "6".compareTo("2147483647") reports that 6 is bigger.
Constructing the OpenMBeanParameterInfo itself will fail if item has a default that doesn't lexically compare properly with any min or max or if the min and max don't happen to lexically compare properly. The only reason this doesn't blow up now is we don't happen to have any attributes with default values that are lexically greater than the string form of their max (e.g. 3 or higher would be more than Integer.MAX_VALUE).
I expect we'd also see failures if anyone used the OpenMBeanParameterInfo we provide and called isValue on it with something like 3.
I think the correct solution is to simply not provide this data for any non-numeric OpenMBeanParameterInfo. There would be a loss of information provided to human readers who happen to inspect the OpenMBeanParameterInfo but what we provide now is not correct for software consumers. An alternative is to only turn this off is the attribute has a default that doesn't fall lexically between the min and the max, or if we have min that is lexically greater than the max. This would mean we continue to present human readable data and just hope that there are no software consumers that expect it to function as per the OpenMBeanParameterInfo javadoc.
- duplicates
WFCORE-973 JMX - Non string attributes dont work well with expressions & min/max
- Resolved