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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-3180

ElytronSubsystemMessages uses double quotes to surround string literals


      Lots of things like this:

      @Message(id = 910, value = "Password cannot be resolved for key-store \"%s\"")

      Use ' instead of \". If the string ends up in a DMR ModelNode, which it often does, the output looks bad when double quotes are present.

      For this ModelNode

      ModelNode node = new ModelNode("Password cannot be resolved for key-store \"%s\"");

      A call to node.toString() produces

      "Password cannot be resolved for key-store \"%s\""

      node.asString() is better, but that requires a special call vs the standard Object.toString

      Password cannot be resolved for key-store "%s"

      This is minor since we can try to ensure asString is used or perhaps even consider changing how toString works. But I think single quotes are a better practice.

              jucook Justin Cook (Inactive)
              bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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